Kirchner Food Fellows Demonstrate Impact Investment Discipline

Program congratulates the 2018-2019 cohort for exemplary decision

Birmingham, Alabama – 20 August 2019 – During their 11-month tenure the 2018-2019 Kirchner Food Fellows investment team looked at over 100 companies working in the area of soil health. Consistent with previous cohorts they conducted preliminary diligence on several and detailed diligence on a few within the program’s constraint of an academic year.  Despite the fact that many of those companies were doing admirable work, at the end of the process the Fellows were not convinced that the right combination of risk-adjusted return potential, impact contribution, cultural alignment and mandate fit existed to warrant an investment on behalf of the Kirchner Impact Foundation – a rather salient demonstration of investment discipline in the current era of sometimes less than diligent capital allocation in the impact investment space.

“Our program is about training the next generation of investment professionals that demonstrate discipline, self-confidence and thoughtful deployment of capital through innovative models,” commented Blair Kirchner, Director. “We are proud to congratulate the cohort for showing the resolve to not make an investment for the sake of making an investment and congratulate them on a remarkable and extremely noteworthy tenure as Fellows. We all know it is easier to say ‘yes’ than ‘no’ but these fellows did the right thing – not the easy thing.”

The Fellowship program has achieved notoriety by giving the students full discretion over the investment decision, a program element that requires the students to maintain high levels of self-discipline and professionalism. This non-traditional learning approach; which relies heavily on the drive, values and work ethic of the Fellows; is proving that inexperienced capital allocators can be developed into highly effective stewards of impact capital in a relatively short period of time.

“We have a tremendous amount of respect for the companies we evaluated for investment this year,” commented Hattie Brown, 2018-2019 Kirchner Food Fellow. “The process was incredibly intense, and the burden to invest the Foundation’s funds wisely was heavy, but at the end of the day I am convinced we learned far more about investing than any course could ever teach, and for that, I am eternally grateful to the fellowship and the entire Kirchner organization.”

By developing disciplined impact investors, the program is helping address a known problem in the impact investment space – too many well-intentioned investments are being made without the proper investment rigor.  Unfortunately, over the course of these Fellow’s tenure, a significant lack of investment rigor was confirmed on multiple occasions.  As Wendy Apt pointed out it in her 2018 article; Almost Everything You Know about Impact Investing Is Wrong, “if it (impact investing) keeps attracting financial resources without demonstrating its effectiveness, it may be responsible for a large-scale misallocation of capital on the basis of well-meaning intentions.”  Conversely, if programs like the Kirchner Food Fellowship can encourage the development of values-based, impact capital allocators with the passion of a Peace Corps Volunteer and the clear-eyed realism of a seasoned VC then large scale asset misallocation might be avoided.

“Kirchner Group has a culture based on real value creation and thus we are particularly sensitive to the mistake that anything that glitters must be gold”’ added W.B. (Bud) Kirchner, Founder and CEO of Kirchner Group. “The world will not be improved by investing in good people or good initiatives – they must both be in the same place at the same time.”

Kirchner Food Fellowship
The Kirchner Food Fellowship is a pioneer in the lean investment movement, harnessing the power of highly-committed millennial talent to find, fund and assist promising socially-responsible, for-profit agricultural businesses. Through the use of a “real-world, real-time, real money” model the program has proven that it is possible for newly formed investment teams to become effective venture capital allocators in a matter of months. The combination of compressed learning time frames and low operating costs makes it possible to more cost effectively deploy smart and impactful capital in parts of the world were angel capital is needed most, leading some to describe the program as “Peace Corps meets VC”. For more on the program please visit and our recent AgFunder article.

The Kirchner Food Fellowship is an initiative of The Kirchner Impact Foundation (501 (c) (3)) one of the “returning arms” of Kirchner Group, that focuses on harnessing the positive power of enterprise to make a difference in addressing some of the most important issues of today.

Steve Dauphin | Director | +1 205.602.9845 |

Kirchner Group
Kirchner Group was founded in 1985 as a boutique advisory firm and today operates various subsidiaries, providing advisory services (M&A, assessments, diligence) and operational support (interim management, workouts, turnarounds) as well as asset management (dedicated, portfolio optimization) – all leveraging a proprietary approach that dovetails domain and process expertise.

Throughout the decades Kirchner Group has been internationally recognized for its unique business model centered around creating value while promoting values: “earning while returning”. The firm has also established a reputation for building and rebuilding important business and social paradigms based
on its deep entrepreneurial orientation.

Kirchner Group’s clients and partners include early stage to mid-market companies, venture capital and private equity firms as well as family offices and some of the world’s largest insurance companies, commercial banks and institutional investors.

Stay up to date on our initiatives and activities by following us on LinkedIn.

Blair Kirchner | Managing Director & Co-Head of Impact Activities | +1 902.817.2405 |

Related Initiative
Kirchner Group pioneered their portfolio optimization program over a decade ago to help traditional and impact investors and their LP’s enhance value creation and bring necessary resources to ensure investment success. To date the program has worked with 12 funds and over 120 portfolio companies.

Zack Porter | Managing Director | +1 714.222.8576 |